445,000 years ago, a group of Anunnaki from the planet Nibiru arrived on Earth in search of gold.

Có thể là hình minh họa

In the past, 445,000 years ago, a group of Anunnaki from planet Nibiru arrived on Earth to search for gold. They sparked a spark in one of Earth’s oceans and set up their first settlement, Eridu, which means “Home is far away. Over time, this early settlement was expanded to be full Mission, complete with the Mission Control Center, space ports, mining operations, and even road stations on Mars.
When Anunnaki worked to build their presence on Earth, they soon realized they were short hands. To overcome this problem, they use genetic engineering to create Primitive Worker, which in turn will evolve into Homo Sapiens.
However, their efforts were distracted by the Large Flooding, catastrophic events that sweep Earth. As a result, Anunnaki becomes a god in the eyes of humanity, giving them civilization and teaching them to worship.
The book Zecharia Sitchin, “The 12th Planet” (part of The Earth Chronicles Series), explores the ancient Sumeria tablet and their description of Anunnaki, a group of space creatures coming to Earth from their planet, Nibiru
Có thể là hình ảnh về Tượng Nhân sư ở Giza và văn bản
Sitchin describes Anunnaki as a advanced creature from the Nibiru planet, which surrounds the sun every 3,600 years. He explained their physical appearance, their society, and their technology.
Sitchin discussed Major Flooding, which he believes was due to Anunnaki’s efforts to destroy humanity. He also explored the construction of the pyramids, which he attributed to Anunnaki’s advanced technology.
If you believe in the return of Jesus, you should believe in the return of Nibiru and anunaki

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